Sunday, January 10, 2010

Antichrist Lloyd Blankfein Up Close and Personal

Lloyd Blankfein is the CEO of Goldman Sachs.
He replaced Henry Paulson, who went on to assist the Bush administration in it’s demolishing of the economy.
Blankfein earned a total compensation in 2008 of $53,965,418.
Base salary – $600,000
Cash Bonus – $26,985,474
Stock – $15,542,756
Options – $10,453,031
He declared in an interview that he was doing “God’s work”.
He suggested that Goldman would have been fine without financial assistance from the feds.
Goldman recieved $10 billion in direct aid from the US government.
The Financial Times chose Lloyd C. Blankfein as its person of the year.
He suggested that Goldman’s employees make more than everyone else because they’re better than everyone else. This resulted in massive bonuses.
Goldman Sachs gave out $4.82 billion in bonuses in 2008, despite earnings of only $2.32 billion that year.
Goldman’s revenue in 2008 was 22.2 billion and net earnings were 2.3 billion.
Blankfein is the poster boy for Wall Street’s incredible craving for massive profits.
After helping impact the global financial crisis to the tune of several trillion dollars he said that Goldman regretted any damage they may have committed and apologized.
The public was outraged, but unfortunately most were represented in Congress by a bunch of spineless, worthless cowards.
Today Goldman is a money machine, massive profits, massive bonuses, massive arrogance and a distinct lack of any perceivable code of ethics.
And in gratitude to the public that kept it afloat, kept the limos and private jets running, kept the pay scale far above what any single person is worth, kept it’s customers in a suicidal state and flipped the bird at regulatory agencies everywhere, it’s response is a heart felt “fuck you very much”.

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