Thursday, January 7, 2010

Post from Dutchman from Huffington post

Flying DutchmanImage by dwrichards via Flickr
Before I go to sleep, allow me to offer my sincerest wish for America:

That it rediscover reality.

It's amazing to my friends here in NL how crazy America politics have become. Not just completely, but completely separate from reality.

Ethancorso brilliantly stated the other day that America's sense of exceptionalism is in fact its undoing. as it allowed Americans to form completely irrational ideas about how the world works, an impressive array of which is on display on this very thread.

America cannot continue to act like tomorrow will never come.

It will. And it will bring the twin nightmares of peak oil and retiring baby boomers. No other nation is as dangerously exposed to both as America, and if you think our troubles are bad right now, imagine them with vastly higher energy prices AND geometrically increasing growth on the demands placed on Medicare and Social Security.

It will be the surest thing to drive America to second tier status as an economic power unless it's addressed.

So please, America (well, really all of its Republicans). Please rejoin the rest of us who rely on facts and rational thought for our decision making processes. Debating focus group tested talking points may be fun, but it's distracting us (I know, that's the point, right?) from fixing the huge problems, of which there are just too many to count.


The other 96% of humanity you share this earth with.

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