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And Geitner needs to be held accountable for it and his dealings with AIG.
New York Fed paid AIG billions and was told to keep it secret. He needs to prove who's side he's really on.
Show us or step down.
The Fed: A conspiracy of silence. A conspiracy to defraud taxpayers and keep us forever in the dark. Git yer pitchforks. It's time the banksters learn the meaning of a few words, such as fear, retribution and expropriation. They need to be brought low, which, after all, is their natural station. Rough justice is better than none.
I guess the powers that be think it is none of our business where OUR money went. Then these people wonder why they are despised by almost everyone.
MALIGNANTLY Corrupt to the CORE. The massess are helplessly languishing, due to excessive abuse of the top 2 percent. The nation is withering. The collapse of a Super Power ! All rooted from GREED. GREED.GREED. MORE YACHTS, BIGGER YACHTS. MORE MANSIONS. BIGGER MANSIONS. bIGGER JETS, LARGER FLEETS. i' am BIG and I CRUSH you.
We're all serfs now and Barak Obama and his bipartisanship fetish is helping make it all possible.
audit audit audit !
They are all closing ranks now. Anyone outside of Wall Street believing that Obama is still going to protect their interests is delusional. If he were, Geithner would have been gone LONG ago. Never hired in the first place. He wants Bernanke reaffirmed. He's in collusion with them.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness
We are at that point, I believe.
Surprise, Surprise!! NO NEED TO KNOW, JUST PAY! Or what is to KNOW, no small print contract clauses - just a SWEAT DEAL for the ones that CAN!
What could possibly be gained by getting this information from the Fed. People might find out that Goldman got money from the government. Come on. It's a waste of time congress should focus on something worthwhile.
Blind robbery of the American taxpayer is something important. It sucks that you don't think so, but everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I remember Obama promising transparency during the campaign. I also remember the day last fall that Obama invited all the banksters and their lobbyists down to the White House for a walkthrough and sitdown over some kind of presidential lunch and I remember The bank presidents and managers going in and coming out. And the press who were there--CNBC was the only cable channel that even bothered to cover this momentous event--was set up at a small table along the walkway leading to and from the White House entrance the banksters and their lobbyists were using. And the questions were so softball and the answers so banal that it reminded me of that scene in the Bush campaign film made by Alex Pelosi in which Bush tells her about his shirt,his pants, his belt and his cowboy boots. Then Obama later talked about the meetings and discussion in meaningless platitudes and spoke of a "frank and open discussion"!
True transparency that!!!!
I decided then, that I couldn't always get all of my money back, if I put it in a bank, but, I could always get my money back, if I had some stash.......,[please take note of my slightly 'conservative' conclusion on how to deal with this. See? I'm not always a liberal, i been saving $ on my own]....., : )
Who would like to see Bernanke, Summers and Geithner put in stocks with a bushel of rotten tomatoes?
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