Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just a thought

Johnny CashImage via Wikipedia

People just prefer to love to hear about self-responsibility, blissfully unaware of walmart making its prices low by getting taxpayer money when not following through with the mantra that hard work gets rewarded (recall my story about my friend who went there, overheard the manager doing the rah rah dance to his employees, openly asked them if the workers would share in the profits, and got kicked out as a result). Amongst other examples of elitism stealing from this country and saying how each of us owes $x0,000 in the national debt. That's bull since when does the government work for the people? No, they work for the elitists. They can pay it back.

Or a better idea: Start anew; everyone's debt freely wiped out and everyone starts new. Every company needing bailing out (despite their taking taxpayer subsidy and the rest), every government, and us.

And before anyone says it, profits via ill-gotten means nullify any purported claim to morality or ethics.

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