Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Banksters are killing this Country one bonus at a time

Citizens registered as an Independent, Democra...Image via Wikipedia
We (Main street USA) are waiting for the people we elected to office to DO SOMETHING to reign in the Wall Street thugs in $3000.00 suits that take private planes to collect money from lobbyists at $2500.00 a plate dinners. Democrats, Republicans, Independents, no longer relevant in the eyes of the people that I know, we do not care what the ideology is, stop the stupid  bickering and pull yourself together and do something to fix this. Al Capone would be proud of the way these blood suckers steal and plunder in the light of day and figure out how to do it legally. Morally and ethically, they all have a special place in Hell IMHO. Divided we fail.

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