Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Usury, speculation, bailout trillions for speculators and gamblers, no pensions , no benefits, lost wages, market forces for men, women and children, outsourcing jobs, and industry, a slave labor force from South of the border, unemployment, homelessness, foreclosures, bankruptcies, nearly every state government. Bankruptcy, health care, perpetual war, an economic catastrophe hovering over the nation: this is the state of the Fed directed economy.

Bankrupt - Santa Monica Blvd. - Los AngelesImage by theamericanroadside via Flickr
Put the Fed into bankruptcy protection, recover the bailout trillions, banks that qualify will join the U.S. National Bank under Glass-Steagall Act standards. Credits and currency will be issued into the population's physical economy, with the executive of creating improving, and expanding the necessary facilities that enhance our standard of living. Healthcare can be achieved by expanding Social Security and Medicaid; re-enacting Hill-Burton Act, the general hospital system, with the single payer feature. Stop the foreclosures, stop the perpetual war policy.

The financial economic crisis is located in the Submission of the United States in bailing out Globilization, the international monetary financier system that demands unsustainable usury and speculation on every transaction; on the essentials of life.

The United States must confront the International Monetary Financier Power, must lead and cooperate with other nations in reorganizing the world economic / financial system.

"An industrious farmer occupies a more dignified place in the scale of beings, whether moral or political, than a lazy lounger, valuing himself on his family, too proud to work, and drawing out a miserable existence by eating on that surplus of other men's labor which is the sacred fund of the helpless poor." --Thomas Jefferson: Answers to de Meusnier Questions, 1786.

Cropped version of Thomas Jefferson, painted b...Image via Wikipedia
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