Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A little poetry...

LTW: Pink Floyd ~ Money
What happens in an executive bathroom?

Shit happens. The only thing different for the executive is they will never be called to clean up their own shit. Results may vary for those down wind or down on the org chart. Irrelevant rant you say…see you tomorrow at the job you hate...cleaning up the shit of others because servitude is your fate.

Take back the streets, the communities, the hearts and minds of struggling and prosperous families…and not the White House and you take back America. A call for revolution is not a call for anarchy or physical violence, but a call for an end to the silence of the sheep at cliff’s edge. As for violence, by all means do slay apathy; do slay blind belief in the Gods of Wall Street and the mystical deities of Washington and other locations. Certainly, on Wall Street and in Washington there are people of sound heart and mind, pure motivation and clear intention of principle and real desire to transform service or professionalism into societal progress. Salute them for their efforts and acknowledge their uphill battle. It is easier to move a mountain than it is to change a corrupted heart and a co-opted mind. This is why change is hard. It has nothing to do with representative government or the lack of a parliamentary system, or the fact that people go to church and possess a centrist or moderate view. It remains a foundational issue.
It has nothing to do with a president of flesh and bone and brown skin tone. It has everything to do with definition of life as codified and practiced in policy and procedure and the strange habits of living creatures who line up for their own slaughter at the hands of those who could care less, share less, and who bear false witness concerning the attributes of trickle down and pull yourself up off of the ground after I knocked you down with the hidden hand and the wry sly smile. Look closely and you will see the tears of the clown who entertains and distracts. Stand up my people and take the country back. This is what Durbin meant when he said,

The banks “frankly own the place”

A veiled called to arms, but oh look at the time, hear the sounding of the alarm to march in time to the beat of fear. Don’t call in sick – get yer behind in here so that you can be underpaid and waylaid by my myopic march to greed. I will work you until you drop and when you are out of energy, I will ask you to leave, or I might ask before that. What is this we hear of manufacturing jobs gone for ever, never to come back, all while fools dip their crusty feet in the pools of million dollar retreats from reality?
   Oh the banality of it all, the spectrum of defining color that emits from the fall of the hypocritical who blow once in an eternity opportunities to rise above the limitations of their fixation on self-interest. These dinosaurs of fabricated legend and lore are not the solution therefore they should not be the priority. Excuse me if I refuse to believe that the intelligent, the compassionate, the loving, the kind, the color blind patriot of this place called home is in the minority. There is no time like the present for a personal revolution. You do not even need to leave your home to have it, just decide that day by day you will become increasingly independent of that which does not love you. Such a mindset will separate friend from foe and servant from garden implement…more interested in amassig money they can never spend -- to the detriment of the nation.

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