Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Basic understanding of the theft of our freedom and lifestyles.

If you focus in on what was the biggest difference in the boom days of 200-2001, people were able to GET LOANS.
Banks have struck out at the economy like a spoiled child mad at the world, telling everyone to go to hell because they prefer to throw a tizzy that they're being regulated and told what to do..... They're screwing with everything.... Appraisals now have to be done by consortium's that know nothing, credit score approvals are a joke, it takes forever for people with even excellent scores to jump through all the hoops administered and finally get that loan. Home builders are dying, and we should all know that any economic turnaround is always centered with the Home industry.. The fine tuned machine of our capital flow has been thoroughly disconnected in an abusive and disconcerted manner. Meanwhile, Banks throw fits, not wanting to make anything work smoothly. And they'll keep it up for a generation if they have to. They'll keep it up until Republicans are back who know how to take bribes and continue to sell our government and share the power with these elite jerks.

This is why Obama should've listened to Bill Black instead of Summers and nationalized the banks a year ago. Not to punish the banks, but to formulate the regulation that needed to occur in a manner that would still encourage the flow of Capital. Trusting these banks has been the biggest mistake of his presidency.
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