Sunday, December 20, 2009

Poverty ChristmasImage by Andrea Costa Photography via Flickr
Is it possible to be born completely free of a moral compass or a consciousness? The fact that we live in a world where serial killers, pedophilia, and  wall street elite exist tends to support the idea that it really is true Virginia, there are people out there that will gleefully walk across the room to step on your face if it makes them a buck or two.
Now I know about the nature versus nurture arguments, and just let me say that the sheer numbers of people that lack the aforementioned traits are so completely wide spread and vast that in order to support the nurture theory we would have to come to the conclusion that all of their parents were deviants and moral vampires as well. How can that be? We have never in this Country had more despicable, selfish, self serving, calculating, manipulative and fallacious members of the ruling elite EVER. (Insert sarcasm)
While the top guns of business reward themselves for .....I really don't know...with million dollar bonuses, the everyman is starving, losing his job, losing his home and killing his family because he can't take it anymore. Thanks Corporate America, you outsourced our jobs, taxed us to death, relegated us to slaves for your corporate "culture" and when it all fucks up...wait for it...YOU BLAME US.
Now on to mainstream media, no wait I can't right much bile, have     to     go    vomit.

The memorial features statues of and quotes fr...Image via Wikipedia

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