Thursday, October 22, 2009

After being robbed by muggers on a street corner, the victim questioned the distribution of the money stolen by thieves.

"You know, since it was my money, I sort of hoped I would be the one to keep it", explained the mugging victim.

The thieves however said their compensation was justified since they took the risk of going to prison for stealing the money, and felt any bonuses were deserved based on the risk involved.

The police ultimately arrested the victim, as his excited attitude over the robbery lead them to take him in on a disorderly conduct charge.

"We needed to keep the peace in this situation, and it seemed the robbers had the upper hand for the most part but needed our assistance in maintaining calm in what could have turned into a volatile situation," a person close to the investigation said under the condition that their identity not be revealed, since they didn't have the authority to speak on the matter.

"If all these victims would just stay calm, then the thieves and those in authority will work things out in way that will be beneficial to both them and those regulating the situation." the anonymous source stated. "Besides, it's a free market economy and hindering robbery might tend to sway us toward socialism. Considering the potential profit of some of these thieves strictly regulating them could have a tendency to depress the market's recovery."
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