Wednesday, October 21, 2009

DestructionImage by Thomas Hawk via Flickr

Americans, more than almost any other people, are historically pretty tolerant of the rich and the privileged. We hold no rancor or jealousy for their wealth, even when it is gained merely by inheritance and not through labor.

But Americans are now viewing the looting of the Middle Class by the people who occupy the top one percent of the American pyramid. People who number but a few hundred thousand, at most, who have gotten a strangle hold on most of the prosperity and income growth of the nation for the past ten years.

Americans will celebrate those who create and profit from their creations, but they have less and less tolerance for having their own families and small businesses looted by banks and financial institutions that are manipulating the government with their highly-paid lobbyists (many of whom are former elected officials.)

Destroy the American Middle Class at your own risk.
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