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This American nightmare has been, in large part, brought to us by the Wall Street "toxic" firms, which have done everything in their power to deregulate our financial markets, buy our politicans, payoff the credit rating agencies, create speculation in commodities, and enhance casino finance, all with the goal of reallocating capital, in this case from the many to the few, including themselves.
These "too big to fail" financial firms have inflicted more damage to the American people than any terrorists, and they continue to represent material systemic risks.
I agree....our federal politicians and regulators are for the most part agents of big business, especially for our big financial, energy, healthcare, and defense companies.
This will not change until the political business model, especially campaign financing, changes, and this will not happen until voters have better continuous online access to information regarding each politician's financing and voting on each bill.
Kamact, a capitalist that believes in the benefits of regulation and progressive taxation
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