Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is actually Tom's Restaurant, NYC. Famous...Image via Wikipedia
Here's another one!
People, when you go out to a restaurant for breakfast, lunch or dinner would you please wear your common sense hat? The servers, bartenders, support staff and BOH people are not there for your amusement! These people work hard for a living and when you camp out at their tables you are directly affecting their bottom lines. This is a business, thees folks juggle children, marriages, time issues, school, and most of the time have NO health insurance provided by the employers. What they take home in tips is how they pay their bills. The difference between a server and a corporate employee: Servers can sleep at night knowing they are not sucking the blood from their coworkers or country and they genuinely care about their customers experience. After all you are there in their face and they can't hide behind an answering machine robot that wastes your time asking what number to pick! They work well under the legal minimum wage for non tipped employees and endure the Country Club mentality of indentured servants. So please, the next time you decide to go out for dinner ask yourself how you would feel if someone treated you the way you treated your server the last time you left a crappy tip, or better yet ask yourself how you would feel if your son or daughter were treated like you treated the anonyomus person who just served your meal to you. 15% is the new 10% get with it, if you can afford to go out to dinner with family and/ or friends to can afford to tip properly; If not,stay home and do everyone a favor because you probably embarass the people with you anyway!
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