Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Work of the United States Senate, Credited to ...Image via Wikipedia
One way to begin to understand that we are doing better is to realize that some one thing, some one force has stood up, challenged the continuing fleecing of Americans by that thin line of cream that now have most of the wealth, and put some halt to the vampirism of ordinary folk by the corporate world.

When we know with some satisfaction that when he bankers and loaners have been defanged, that when financial services industries can no longer boldly lie and boldly make up their own figures without any governmental regulation, and when they all can no longer let our veins by any hook or crook, that we will have turned the corner.

The problem is not some plan of economic genius to get the ball rolling, or the lack of any plan.

It is the corporation opus moderandi than continues to promise us nothing but pain and loss.

I am beginning to think that a continual look at washington, an ennuied expectation that some gaggle of senators is going to save any of us is a waste of time. It ought to be plain enough by this time that the Senate is a harem of hookers for the corporate world.

Obama is beginning to appear to be like a child emperor in Far Eastern history, wherein he is a prop who is being hollowed out by his own lack of power.

It is now time to turn the sights on the corporations.
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