Tuesday, October 6, 2009

OK here it is again: 
To all of the company's looking to hire people that say there are not enough "qualified candidates" out there.

How about if you look at the life experience of say, me and the other gazillion people out there dying to get back to work, and consider sending us back to school to qualify. I know I would be happy to sign a contract to stay in my new position for a certain length of time.

We all have vast experience in our chosen fields, if we are over the age of 30. A-lot of us have run our own businesses and taught children, raised families and managed budgets. We have negotiation skills beyond any life time politician (if, like me you have more than one child), we can handle ANY emergency that comes up with tactical maneuvering and diplomacy. We can manage our time, prioritize, triage and multitask. We can organize, plan and implement dinner parties for 30-300. We can dress up or dress down to meet the occasion. We can schmooze when we need to, shake a hand or give a pat on the back because we can tell which is the appropriate response!

Also, I would like to make the point here that (step outside the box a minute) If you want a fresh take on a situation or to resolve a recurring glitch, who would you ask first: Someone that has been doing the same thing the same way forever or someone that has not had the time to develop bad habits and is enthused to learn and eager to make a contribution? I know I slanted that a little but I think I made my point.

I am not suggesting a bail-out, I am suggesting a shift in thinking. If our Country and our World has changed so much is it not time for us to change with it? I spent my entire life in sales and now no-one is buying, but that does not mean I am unemployable, it just means I need to find a company that can value my life experience and solid skills in sales and turn them into something useful and productive in a different direction! I don't think that this should be so hard to wrap one's mind around!

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