Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We the people have to do two things:

-- disengage from corporate America, no more Walmart, no Chinese goods, no big banks, no Wall Street 401k investments. Buy things from your neighbors, trade, barter, reuse, re-purpose anything that can be made to work again. Find the community banks and credit unions and start moving your business there. Buy local food, no imports.

-- vote out all incumbents in all offices from the local to state to national level. They have ceased to work for the taxpayer, they are owned and operated by business interests. Getting elected has become an industry that has perverted the process of running for office.

If we do not rise up and walk away, we will be diminished serfs in a modern version of feudalism.

Our children will not be proud of us.
Our freedom is at stake here, a freedom that the wealthy elites have not wanted bestowed on us for hundreds of years. If there is a chance to squash this grand experiment called the United States of America and the freedom that the middle class and lower class have enjoyed during its brief existence, I fear that they will make that move.
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