Wednesday, October 21, 2009

United States Congressman {{w|Duncan Hunter}}Image via Wikipedia
Republicans created TARP. They, along with the tacit approval or apathy of libertarians and Austrians who should be fighting these subsidies every day instead of self-righteously condescending to sufferers, love flushing money down the toilet, whether it be a big-government hand-out to incompetent, inefficient corporations, or by defecating down the military rat-hole by giving generous contracts to KBR, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Blackwater while ignoring the needs of our brave fighting men and women and demonizing the working poor when they receive much-needed assistance essential to securing their human rights.

Body armor for troops and essential services for their families? Republicans say "No!". But when it comes to subsidizing bloated contractors, Republicans say it best:

"God bless our military contractors!"
-Representative Duncan Hunter (R)
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